Toolbox for customer-centric products & communication

For customer-centric product management, the target group must be involved in the appropriate way at every stage of the product life cycle. This often happens much earlier than expected. 


We use qualitative and quantitative research tools along the design thinking process to ensure the success of the products. 

Let's get a deeper understanding of customers' motives and attitudes.


We make complex things tangible and develop visions in workshops.


Lego serious play


In a 3-hour facilitated workshop with agency and client stakeholders or customers, we use the creative and proven method Lego Serious Play. Together we make thinking processes visible. Along a defined process, creative ideas of the participants and a dynamic team life are promoted with different techniques. It is suitable to develop strategies and visions and to stimulate internal cooperation. more...

Understanding what the target group wants: analysis of user needs


We provide empirically proven knowledge about the target group and their wishes, abilities and ways of thinking. A reliable foundation for a successful concept.




We visit people in their typical contexts (e.g., at home, at work, out and about). In addition, the impressions and experiences of the participants are discussed in on-site interviews. Cultural probes like videos or photos are often part of the observation. This helps empathize with the target groups and generate new ideas for new products and messages that resonate with them. more...

Diary studies


Some things are hard to be remembered when asked for, e.g., minor annoyances and pain points. With a diary, participants write them down when they occur. Representatives of the target group document their daily experiences about specific topics in an online diary, using text, photos, videos and voice messages. We accompany them in this process (lasting one or more weeks) and get feedback on their experiences. more...

Focus groups


Focus groups are moderated discussions with 6-10 participants per group. The moderation techniques and the dynamic interaction between the participants often provide unexpected insights that can be further explored. Live observation (on site or remotely) by the project team allows a parallel brainstorming. Arising questions from observers can be directly discussed with the participants. more...

In-depth interviews


In the in-depth interview, we explore values, needs and requirements of 6-12 representatives of a target group. This qualitative method allows us to respond individually to the interviewee and to reveal their attitudes and opinions. In-depth interviews are conducted remotely or on site, using a semi-standardized interview guide. more...

Research communities


In research communities we invite a carefully selected sample of 50-100 participants who discuss provided topics in various threads over one or more weeks. Participants can upload photos, videos and discuss in the forums. This method is a neat alternative to focus groups as it gives the participants much more time to think about their input. Also, we can reach target groups that are difficult to recruit. more...

Customer Journey Analysis


A customer journey analysis unveils how different groups of customers use various customer touchpoints, i.e., OOH, TV, social media, but also friends and family or other word-of-mouth. We tackle this with in-depth interviews and customer surveys. more...

Reportery Grid


With the help of dichotomous description dimensions (constructs), elements are assigned with individual properties. This is followed by a quantitative evaluation, so that a grid with numerical values is created at the end. This process is repeated until the interviewee can no longer think of any new distinguishing dimensions, i.e.his repertoire of constructs for the given elements is exhausted. more...

Clearly define identified needs and problems


We analyse and structure the information gathered in advance about your target group and examine which problems and needs are relevant to your project. In the next step, the creation can build on these findings.


Representative Survey


A representative online survey with typically 500-1.000 participants of the target group helps prioritize and validate insights. This step should be taken after all qualitative explorations if time and budget allow. more...

Segmentation & Personas


In an online survey, user needs, pain points, user behavior, values and various demographic data are collected. Subsequently, factor and cluster analyses are used to form customer segments with similar need structures. These segments can be addressed more specifically with products and advertising messages. The segments can be illustrated as striking personas. more...

Content Strategy Research


This tool provides information for successful content marketing strategies, especially for new or ‘special’ audiences like B2B target groups. A quantitative survey tells us which topics are relevant at the moment, where the perceived competences of the brand are, and which channels and formats are preferred. more...

We involve the user: User-oriented conception.


The conceptual phase of user experience design lays the foundation for good usability and acceptance. Our participatory research approaches help you focus on user requirements.


Co-Creation Workshop


In a special screening procedure, we find persons from the target group who are particularly introspective, creative and eloquent. Those persons add the customer point of view to the workshop, which aims at ideating product propositions, functionality or campaign messages. The workshops are prepared by the participants, e.g., through self-observation, cultural probes, etc. more...



100-200 participants sort content elements according to their personal liking in an online survey. The subsequent cluster analysis gives an understanding of the hierarchical relations of the content elements for the target group. With an appropriate grouping of content, usage effectiveness and efficiency can be optimized even before the interaction design begins. more...

Simplicity that pleases your users - through user research before launch.


A good user experience needs more than good usability. We help you provide your target audience with the content and interactions that excite them. And we do this via an intuitive and media-appropriate user interface.


Potential analysis


A quantitative survey among the widest possible potential customer range determines, with which groups of persons product propositions resonate and how these persons are characterized. Potential analyses can also provide insight regarding ideal price points, and the perceived utility of product features. The resulting data allows business case modelling, and customer-centric product design. more...

Design Tests


When it comes to evaluating matters of taste, a representative survey with at least 300 participants is needed. We carefully choose a sample that represents the target audience and present them with creative stimuli such as screen designs, logos, claims, advertising media, motives, etc. more...



Our UX and usability experts go through the essential use cases of a web site or app and look for possibilities to boost conversion and user acceptance. We use ISO norms, Nielsen’s usability heuristics and our long-standing experience to find quick and long-term fixes. more...

Usability/UX Tests


Our moderators observe 6-20 users from the target group as they solve given use cases on prototypes or up and running web sites or apps. They think aloud as they use the test material. After the usage, various aspects of the experience are explored in an in-depth interview. more...



For this validation we invite a sample of 200-300 participants from the target group and present them with a series of use cases like “try to find a certain product on the website”. They can then solve the tasks in a mock-up navigation structure, where we can measure the percentage of correct solutions and where participants ran into dead ends. With this knowledge, the navigation structure can be optimized, thus boosting conversion rates and user experience. more...

Ad pre-test


We test your advertising media in a standardized online survey, quickly, cost-effectively and validly. A variety of formats can be considered: TVC’s, print ads, online/social video, online display, OOH, radio, etc.. The results are compared with an extensive benchmark so specific weaknesses can be fixed before the campaign. more...

Ad profiling


Ad profiling is a psychologically based expert evaluation. Facit experts, consisting of psychologists, economists and sociologists, analyze advertising media of whatever format, within 3 days. In the process, hidden pitfalls are identified that have an unconscious effect on consumers. On this basis, optimization proposals are developed. more...

Unmoderated User Test


With this tool, users can test websites or apps on their own device from anywhere in the world. The questions that guide the user through the interview enable autonomous execution of the tasks without a moderator. Not only when budgets are tight, but also when time is of the essence, this is an ideal research tool for identifying usability problems and increasing user satisfaction. more...

Measuring and responding to success: User research in the operational phase.


Our research tools help you systematically optimize online campaigns, ensure conversion and track user satisfaction.




An easy way to get a feeling of customer experience and satisfaction after a product or campaign launch. A sample of customers or users is invited to participate in a short online survey. Invites can be sent through email, social media, newsletters etc. more...

Campaign Evaluation


In the run-up to the campaign, the first step is usually to record the current status with regard to relevant key performance indicators such as brand image, awareness and advertising recall with the help of an online survey (zero measurement). After the campaign has run its course, a second online survey with similar content is conducted to detect changes in the KPIs (control measurement). more...

Field user test


Selected representatives of the target group are accompanied while they use digital and physical products over a longer period. We regularly gather feedback on various use cases and scenarios through self-report (e.g. text, voice, videos, photos) and interviews. more...

Brand Tracking


A continuous, standardized online survey, e.g. nationally representative or focused on specific target groups, determines the status quo of the most important brand and image KPIs. The central aspects of the brand funnel (awareness, recognition, consideration, choice, NPS) are covered. The regular survey makes developments over time visible. more...



Almost all available products and services receive spontaneous reviews and feedbacks through channels like app stores, Amazon reviews, social media. We systematically gather and sort these, so we can extract the main pros, cons and fields of action. This is a great feedback tool in the run & refine phase, providing that the feedbacks are condensed and made actionable. more...

Mystery Shopping


Mystery shopping or mystery calls are used to measure the quality level of retail and service, work performance, compliance with regulations or the placement of products and promotional materials at the POS. The entire shopping experience is in focus and the individual elements at the POS that influence it are closely observed and documented by our testers (e.g. by video, photo, checklists). more...

Further services

Become a UX Professional in the Facit UX School


Find out more about our Facit UX School here


Out of your office, into their world



Learn more about our Customer Centricity Lab here

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